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As you may or may not know, the Jenkins project has a bi-weekly IRC meeting where we discuss and decide on things necessary to keep the project running. Next Sunday, we’ll bring this project meeting live to Jenkins User Conference San Francisco. Since this is an unique opportunity to engage people who don’t normally come to these meetings, I’d like to encourage...
and be a Jenkins CIA agent too! If you’re interested in building an active local Jenkins community, read on to learn how. Really, we can sum it up in one simple step: Just Do It! Admittedly more detailed guidelines can be useful, so hopefully these steps will give you a roadmap and some ideas: + Find an organizer or two. This is probably you....
This article was originally posted on my personal blog Last week, praqma was organizing in Copenhagen a "Jenkins User Event". A User Event, compared to JenkinsConf, is a lighter meeting with (supposed to be) reduced costs organized by volunteers. Praqma got sponsorship from both CloudBees and Programing Research so that they can book a high quality conference room and prepare a...
Jenkins User Conference is back to San Francisco after a world tour. The conference is on the 30th of this month (Sunday), which makes it back to back with JavaOne, just like the last year. This schedule allows the community people from all over the world to attend and talk, so you see speakers from different part of the world! You...
Recently, Jenkins User Conference organizer Alyssa Tong sent out the following request: Jenkins User Conf SF is looking for volunteers to help us record the ...
We have hosted two informal meetups introducing Jenkins Continuous Integration Server. The first in end of June (announced here on this blog) and the second on the 7th of August. The first meet-up in June was only announced 8 days before, but had very good attendance - the second was completely booked (15 seats). The agenda is a short presentation of...
Jenkins User Conference is touring around the world and coming back to San Francisco for this September, colocated with JavaOne. And here is the call for papers — we’d love users and plugin developers to share their experience with others. Please tell us how you combine plugins in an interesting way, how some of the features in Jenkins did or did...
I’m back from the latest Jenkins User Conference in Israel, and I had such a fun (except the part where I strained my lower back on the day I head back to home so 10+5 hour flights were a torture.) I have this impression that Israeli people form a close-knit community on their own (somewhat like Japanese people do), perhaps...
[ Editor’s Note: This was originally posted to the jenkinsci-users mailing list by community member Bue Petersen ] Praqma inviterer til Gå-Hjem-Møde i Allerød, onsdag d 27. juni kl 17:00. Få en introduktion og demo af Jenkins CI server (Open Source). Vi byder på pizza og en kold øl eller vand. Arrangement er gratis, tilmelding er nødvendig. Continuous Integration — er et princip der...
Day 2 of FOSDEM'24. Visit the Jenkins stand in building K, level 1 and take home some stickers!
Visit Jenkins at SCaLE!