Implementing UI for Jenkins Infra Statistics

Project goal: To build upon the current GitHub Pages based UI into a user-friendly and full-featured website for showcasing Jenkins Infra Statistics

Skills to study/improve: Javascript/Typescript, HTML, CSS, Dashboard, Data Visualization, UI/UX Design

NOTE: This idea is published as a draft under active discussion, but it is confirmed in principle. It is FINE to apply to it. The scope and the suggested implementation may change significantly before the final version is published. Sections like quickstart guide and newbie-friendly issues may be also missing. As a contributor, you are welcome to request additional information and to join the discussions using channels linked on this page.



This project is suited for a contributor who has had some prior exposure to frontend web development who would like to build a web app with dashboards for data visualisation, using data already presented at an existing GitHub Pages site at

We aim to divide the project into four main components:

  • Statistics in detail

  • Plugin Installation Trend

  • Plugin Versions by Jenkins Version

  • Jenkins plugin dependency graph

The preferred frontend framework for the website would be React, using Gatsby.js. However, it could also be implemented with Angular or Vue. Other plotting libraries that will be adopted may include Plotly.js.


The current GitHub Pages site at is fairly basic. The creator would like a proper UI to be implemented for better a better user experience.


The contributor will get to design the look and feel of the website, and implement the UI using a frontend framework they would agree to explore. The contributor will also get to explore the interplay between data and its presentation. We aim for a final product that is both visually pleasing and informative.

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